About Us

No Satisfaction in

Rye Whiskey was all but left for dead after Prohibition, until a dedicated band of Rye enthusiasts convened in an unlikely place to revive its fighting spirit.

We rolled up our sleeves and went off the grid to make whiskey our own way, liberated from the constraints of a process stuck in the past.

WhistlePig is led by a young, rebellious whiskey making team with a ‘drink our mistakes’ attitude.

Two hybrid pot stills named after our founding pigs give rise to our leading independent craft American Whiskey, blazing a trail to countless industry firsts.

We have to acknowledge who's really in charge: Our chief pigs, Mortimer, Jr. and Orwell, who snort their approval as they oversee our hog-wild boundary-pushing experimentation.

Surrounded by 500 acres of Rye and experimental crop fields, our one-of-a-kind farm and distillery are intentionally designed to make the best whiskey on and for the planet.